Option Explicit
Public Function GetBody(ByVal url$, Optional ByVal Coding$ = "UTF-8")
Dim ObjXML
On Error Resume Next
Set ObjXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
With ObjXML
.Open "Get", url, False, "", ""
.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "0"
GetBody = .ResponseBody
End With
GetBody = BytesToBstr(GetBody, Coding)
Set ObjXML = Nothing
End Function
Public Function GetHtmlDoc(ByVal url$, Optional ByVal Coding$ = "utf-8")
Dim HtmlDoc
Set HtmlDoc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
HtmlDoc.body.innerhtml = GetBody(url, Coding)
Set GetHtmlDoc = HtmlDoc
End Function
Public Function BytesToBstr(strBody, CodeBase)
Dim ObjStream
Set ObjStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
With ObjStream
.Type = 1
.Mode = 3
.write strBody
.Position = 0
.Type = 2
.CharSet = CodeBase
BytesToBstr = .ReadText
End With
Set ObjStream = Nothing
End Function
Private Sub Test()
Dim i&, j&, k&, arr, brr
url = "http://www.gettyimages.cn/newsr.php?local=true&colflag=1&signel_c=35#1"
Debug.Print GetBody(url)
End Sub
Function ReplaceList(ByVal s, ParamArray list() As Variant)
'默认参数设置为#1# #2# #3#... 按参数数组的依次替换
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(list())
s = Replace(s, "#" & (i + 1) & "#", list(i))
ReplaceList = s
End Function
Function EvalByHtml(strText As String) As String
With CreateObject("htmlfile")
.write "<html><script></script></html>"
EvalByHtml = CallByName(.parentwindow, "eval", VbMethod, strText)
End With
End Function