'The following code demonstrates a simple technique for turning a VB PictureBox into a progress bar.
'Purpose : Creates a progress bar from a picture box
'Inputs : ProgBar The picture box.
' lPos The current position of the progress bar.
' lMax The maximum position of the progress bar.
'Outputs : Returns 0 on success, else returns an error code
'Notes : Example usuage:
' DrawProgressBar Picture1, 10 'Draws the progress bar 10% complete
Function DrawProgressBar(ProgBar As PictureBox, lPos As Long, Optional lMax As Long = 100) As Long
Dim lPercent As Single
Dim lLenBar As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrFailed
If lMax <= 0 Then
lPercent = 0
lPercent = lPos / lMax
End If
lLenBar = lPercent * ProgBar.ScaleWidth
'Fill both sides of the bar (incase a backwards progress bar is required)
ProgBar.Line (0, 0)-(lLenBar, ProgBar.Height), ProgBar.ForeColor, BF
ProgBar.Line (lLenBar + 1, 0)-(ProgBar.ScaleWidth, ProgBar.Height), ProgBar.BackColor, BF
Exit Function
DrawProgressBar = Err.Number
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call DrawProgressBar(Picture1, 20, 100)
End Sub