Dim ArryFile(), nFile '全局变量 nfie初始值为0
Function searchFile(ByVal fd As Folder)
Dim fl As File
Dim subfd As Folder
Dim i As Integer
i = fd.Files.Count
If i > 0 Then
Set regex1 = CreateObject("VBSCRIPT.REGEXP") 'RegEx为建立正则表达式
With regex1
.Global = True '设置全局可用
.Pattern = "(xls)$" '输入后缀名用|隔开"(xls|xlsx|docx|doc)$
End With
ReDim Preserve ArryFile(1 To nFile + i)
For Each fl In fd.Files
If regex1.test(fl.Name) = True Then
nFile = nFile + 1
ArryFile(nFile) = fl.path
End If
End If
If fd.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then Exit Function
For Each subfd In fd.SubFolders
searchFile subfd
End Function
Sub 批量汇总调查表()
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
nFile = 0
searchFile fso.GetFolder("G:\MyProject\Excel赚钱\批量复制粘贴简化\调查表系统升级\客户调查表")
For Each e In ArryFile
Debug.Print e
End Sub